Always ensure that the recipient's bank account number is correct before confirming the transfer operation. Not all payment agencies crosscheck the bank account number with the name of the account holder. Consequently, the bank account number needs to be right. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Articles in this section
- Is my money safe?
- What is Clicktransfer's Privacy Policy?
- How can I manage my Cookies?
- How can I file a claim in Europe?
- What hours is customer service available?
- Learn more about how to protect against phishing and online scams.
- What are the safety benefits of providing my cell phone number?
- How can I file a complaint?
- What happens if I incorrectly inputted the recipient´s bank account information and I don’t realize until after I confirm the transfer?
- Why do some Clicktransfer emails go to my spam folder?
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