First, it is important to understand what each of these potential threats mean. Phishing is when someone reaches out to you, usually via email, and tries to get your personal information. This could include your password to your account or your credit card number. Online scams usually revolve around trying to take your money or tricking you into letting these fraudsters have it. Although we are sure that you know not to trust strangers online, please don’t forget that there are people who will go to extremes to commit fraud. Don’t trust “loved ones” or “old friends” asking for money online, or “new loves” asking for money to go visit you. Soldiers will never ask for donations online, and if you don’t remember playing the lottery or entering a sweepstakes, don’t believe them when they say that you’ve won! Especially if they ask you to pay some sort of “fee” so that you can access all of your “alleged” winnings. Online scammers’ only goal is to trick you into sending them money or personal information, so don’t fall for it!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
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